Friday, July 22, 2011

Fortune cookies from today

Confession: I currently work in a Chinese diner. Hey, it's a living (sort of). Sometimes I collect fortune cookies off the tables. Here are the ones from today:

There are no riches above a sound body.
lollipop: bang4bang4tang2

Enjoy life! It is better to be happy than wise.
husband: zhang4fu

Example is better than perception.
family: jia1ting2

When you can't naturally feel upbeat, it can sometimes help to act as if you did.
ginger: jiang1

A good laugh and a good cry both cleanse the mind.
soup: tang1

A friend will bring you a big surprise soon.
sandwich: san1ming2zhi4
* this one cracked me up. I'd be disappointed if I were expecting a big surprise and a friend brought me a sandwich. Unless it was a really awesome sandwich.

When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, then a hundred.
kitchen: chu2fang2
* I was tempted to share this one with Anger Management Waitress, as she and I could both use this advice, but decided against it. Kinda funny considering head chef Little Brother's temper, actually.

You will soon achieve perfection.
good luck: hao3yun4
* my favorite of today's scavenged fortunes. "You will soon achieve perfection. Good luck!"

Happiness will bring you good luck.
to wait: deng3

Don't be surprised by the emergence of undiscovered talents!
mango: mang2guo3

Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier.
Chinese Zodiac - horse: ma3

An expert is someone that knows so much about so little.
gooseberry: mi2hou2tao2

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.
Moon Festival: Zhong1Qiu1Jie2
* appropriately enough, this guy was a bodybuilder eating carefully for a competition the next day.

I'm trying to add a second job as a pirate in a burgers & whisky joint. Should be some truly excellent stories from that place, should it work out. Wish me luck!